Tami Winbush

Passion with a purpose

My books

I’d like to take you into the worlds that I create and showcase what’s going on with them every step of the way. I’ve been writing earnestly since early 2003, when my husband unexpectedly passed away in 2004 I put down my pen (so to speak) and stepped away. In 2011, I picked up my pen once again and started writing. In 2012, I was published under the umbrella of Secret Cravings Publishing and when they went bankrupt my book Forgiveness was unfortunately removed from major booksellers.I’ve been working on several new books since. Blue Rose Night is currently in early edits and Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough is being written. I’ve got countless books floating around in my head, so you never know what’s next.Learn more about my books on my blog.

Book reviews

I’ve been infamous for my ability to open mouth and insert foot, so here is your chance to see what that might look like. I have an opinion on anything and everything and would love to share with you my thoughts on some of the books that I am reading. Have an interesting book you think I’d like, feel free to let me know.Find my book reviews on my blog.

Author friends

Along the road to becoming a published author once again, I’ve found some of my dearest friends, confidants, and colleagues. I interview some of them, and some just stop by to say hello. However their time here is spent, I hope you will welcome them with open arms as they are near and dear to my soul.Meet my author friends on my blog.

Misc. ramblings

You never know what I’m going to talk about. You could find me talking about music, publishing, and cats (there’s liable to be LOTS of cats). As my grandfather used to say... hold on, I can’t say what he used to say... but basically, I like to talk. So here’s a spot to hear what I have to say.Read my ramblings on my blog.

About me

It wasn’t until the age of thirteen that the written word took hold and wouldn’t let go of Tami. Her mother made sure she had a typewriter (yes, a manual one) and plenty of correction tape.Tami’s first love was poetry. Before she was given the experience to comprehend the meaning of love she typed out her first poem:

lazily we walk along the beach
you and I hand in hand
nature has its things to teach
we listen and learn
but never turn
to see what we left behind

When not writing you will find Tami in the garden, kitchen or with her cats. Tami is determined to become the world's youngest ‘cat lady’. Her living furbaby collection includes Opal and Earl.Keep an eye out—there is a kitty in every story. It’s the only way she’ll get to reach the ‘cat lady’ status without her landlord kicking her out.Tami loves to connect with people. Tell her about the furbaby collection you have at:

©2023 Tami Winbush. All rights reserved.